Hands-on Learning Opportunities for Middle School Students
Students at the Discovery Center will engage in a variety of activities to enrich their academic and socio-emotional skills. Across all three grade levels, students take the Classroom Diagnostic Tool, the Reading Inventory, and the Math Inventory to determine their levels in Math, Science, and Language Arts. Students at the Discovery Center can be assured that teachers are using the latest technology and the most current data to make sure that what they are teaching is exactly what students need to learn.
Teachers have access to some of the latest instructional technology, software programs, and textbooks which keep students engaged. There is an emphasis on the development of critical and creative thinking skills needed for the 21st century. The middle school offers hands-on learning opportunities, a highly qualified and caring faculty, and the option to be involved in a variety of extracurricular programs such as STEAM and Industry Club.
I like the teachers because they can be helpful at times, also they give us assignments that have me thinking. For me, it's a pretty comfortable school.
My favorite thing about the Discovery Center is the teachers and the schoolwork. I mostly like the work because I understand what I'm doing. I like the teachers because they are nice and they make sure I understand what I'm doing.
I love it here because my friends are really nice and the teachers care.
CSE has awesome teachers that are all nice. English language arts is my favorite class because the teacher is the best and the books are really great.
My favorite thing about the Discovery Center is everything. To be honest there isn't anything I don't like about this school.
My favorite thing about the Discovery Center is how there are a variety of classes and topics to learn, and there are tons of things in those topics that can help you later in your life.
The Charter School is a very wonderful place that teaches students hard work, excellence, and determination. I think that the previous school I went to had pretty good teachers and staff, but I think the Charter School of Excellence is way better. But I wish it was a little bit bigger. They have good teachers and staff and they teach very well. All of the students are nice and we don't have to wear school clothes. The school gave me better experiences in learning and understanding my subjects. My Favorite class is Science because my teacher is very nice and she makes sure that everyone is on task and understands what she is talking about.
My favorite thing about the school is that they make education more fun even if were online and the teachers try to make all the assignments fun as possible.
I have already learned almost everything here. I often can relax when it comes to assignments. I am always prepared for them.
My favorite thing about the Discovery Center is learning different things. Also joining the arts and crafts club. I liked doing the different crafts.
I think the Charter School of Excellence has had a good impact on my educational experience. My favorite classes that I have had here have been Art, Science, and Language Arts. Another highlight about the Charter School of Excellence has been all of the great clubs and field trips they have had in the three years I have been there.
I like how much Discovery pushes their students to really try their best and do well.
My favorite thing about the Discovery Center is the staff. They're all very nice and try to help all the students out as much as they can. They're great at doing their job and are great people I like this a lot more than my previous school because many of the staff were rude. And I was not getting the help I needed. I could go on and on about why I like Discovery Center, but these are the main reasons.
The teachers at the Discovery Center are kind and helpful. Also, our principal is really nice too. In fact, all the staff at the Discovery Center are nice.
My favorite thing about the discovery center is the large amount of opportunities provided for students.
I like the small classes, and I enjoy how much the teachers help us. I'm sad this is my only year at Discovery.
I like how my teachers can connect one on one with all the students. They understand that I learn at a different level than others. Art is my favorite because Art is a form of therapy for me and I feel like I can connect with a lot of forms of art."
I love everything about Discovery. It is an overall amazing school. The staff is great and so are most of the students and I feel safe at the facility.
My favorite thing about the Discovery Center is that it's full of amazing teachers, simple rules, and they serve a good lunch. My favorite rule is no bullying because at my last school they would not care or would just say " just ignore it."
I like the small environment. The teachers are more focused on teaching and helping students than at other schools. It made the learning process easier and more effective. I liked all of my classes because the teachers are nice.
The teachers are very positive and always have something good to say. I feel I am learning a lot in this school. They have many activities for you, and many privileges. The teachers understand you and are really funny and have a kind heart.
Discover your skills and lead.
All kids can learn and be successful in the right environment. Enroll in a school that fosters academic excellence.