Core Academics and Electives at the Skills Center
In addition to the core academic classes, the Skills Center offers a variety of high-interest electives such as Culinary Arts, Media Arts, Digital Music Production, Fine Arts, Animation, and Graphic Design. The Skills Center also offers the Workforce Development Program in which students learn soft skills through a tiered system with training both within the school and through outside employment opportunities. This program allows students to gain transferable skills needed to be successful in nearly any workplace environment. There are a variety of extracurriculars, clubs, and other opportunities in this building for motivated high school students.
All CSE locations offer English Language Development programming. This program allows students to be in small class sizes based on their level of language proficiency. There is a focus on reading comprehension and vocabulary as well as cultural orientation in the local community. The goal is to provide a small learning environment and a welcoming climate for students to succeed.
Food for Thought Food Truck
The Charter School of Excellence (CSE) is excited to announce the newest addition to the school programming: the Food For Thought food truck! Over the past year, the CSE has been planning a food truck as an extension of the Workforce Development and Culinary Arts programs.
Food For Thought is a collaborative endeavor between the Workforce Development and Culinary Arts Programs focused on providing students with opportunities to gain soft skills in real-world environments to extend curricula of both these programs.
Students will be gaining transferable skills in customer service, hospitality, culinary arts, and event management through the food truck. The purchase of the food truck was made possible through a partnership with the Episcopal Church of Erie and through a grant from the Erie Community Foundation.
I like the culture and atmosphere of the school. I feel like everyone is friendly and there is a zero tolerance for any bad behavior. I feel more cared about as a student.
[CSE] made me start considering how to better manage my work time, especially when I'm doing college courses. Having an opportunity to participate in classes geared towards college has given me insight into how different it will be, and what tasks I will be expected to perform.
I feel that the Charter School of Excellence stands out due to the opportunities given to us in pursuit of our goals. This includes elective classes that can hone on our skills or help us find brand new passions.
Attending the Charter School of Excellence has truly changed the course of my life for the better. Not only have its unique atmosphere and curriculum been invaluable, but the teachers and students in this school have given me the tools to stay on the path toward success--and excellence.
I chose CSE for the small learning environment where classes aren't overcrowded and the teachers are always respectful and helpful towards their students. My favorite thing about CSE is the variety of different classes for you to take. Workforce and Culinary give you the opportunity to experience what it's like to be in a work environment and what it's like to work in a kitchen.
Because of CSE I have met great friends who I want to be my lifelong friends. CSE also has great offers such as the dual enrollment program and that has given me the experience of what's it like being a college student and it gave me the opportunity to earn more credits.
CSE has affected my life by making me not give up when things get hard and helping me tell myself I'm smart even when I don't do so good. Mr. Kaul has inspired me by me becoming good at math and him helping me understand that things can look confusing but it doesn't mean I wont be able to understand it. My favorite thing about CSE is the cooking class because the teacher is very helpful and caring.
[The Charter School of Excellence] allows disadvantaged students to achieve a successful education and helps place them on the path to a better adulthood.
I always had bad grades at my old school. I was associated with the wrong people, and I was skipping school a lot. But here at CSE, I want to be here, I want to graduate. I want to succeed in life, and here they are helping me do that by pushing me beyond my limits and making me feel like, "Yes, I can do this," and for once in my life I actually feel like I can do this - that I'm going to succeed at everything. I now have A's and B's in all my classes, as well as being in Honors.
I chose CSE because I really wanted a personal connection with my peers and teachers because by coming to a smaller charter school instead of a big public school I would feel like I am actually being heard instead of feeling like I am competing with over 600 students. Also, I feel like I would've had more options and opportunities by coming here!
From being once timid, worried, and scared, I am humbled to say I have become a confident, courageous, and dedicated person. Thankfully, the staff and teachers have given me more than what they are required to do. They have taught me not just the traditional learning of math, science, and history, but also how to improve and expose myself for a thriving and successful future.
One of the teachers who inspired me is Mr. McBride, he's smart and has a great business mindset. They have a cooking class here at CSE. You can find some great opportunities here at CSE, ask guidance! Overall it's a great school to be at, do your work with no distractions and strive for graduation.
The four years that I have been in the Skills Center have been the best 4 years of my life, academically and socially. I have grown from an awkward, arrogant and introverted little 14 year old into a mature, somewhat humble, and outgoing adult. I have nobody other to thank for this except this family I have made at the Skills Center.
When you come to The Charter School of Excellence you won't be disappointed. It will be the best choice you could've made. We strive for excellence here. You will be successful here. Its high school - make it count and come to Charter School of Excellence where you will shine. It will all be worth it. We believe in you...Believe in yourself!
Before coming to the Skills Center, my grades weren't where they needed to be, and there was a lot of drama at my old school. There's no drama here and my grades have increased tremendously since I have been here. The classes are a lot smaller so it's easier to focus here.
Our school gets to go to tons of field trips, and I like that our school offers a variety of electives, such as Ancient Civilizations, Media Center, Work Experience, Introduction to Psychology, Chemistry, Ceramics, Technology, Culinary Arts, Animation, Personal Development, Wellness & Fitness, and Digital Music Production.
One day someone told my mom about the CSE and after awhile, we went on a tour the school. I was amazed at what the school had to offer. What sealed the deal was that the CSE had an ART Room! After months of waiting, I made it to the school! I joined the school very late into the year, but it was worth the wait.
One of my biggest accomplishments is being a part of the National Honor Society. It made me feel I'm doing the right thing and all of my hard work was recognized. It really shows how much hard work and determination pays off in the end.
I choose CSE because I wanted a better and different learning environment. CSE has provided different and unique opportunities. Programs here such as workforce and cooking class have given me the necessary experience to prepare for the work field.
My favorite thing about CSE is Cool Beans. I really enjoy how us students can buy snacks and things in the morning. It is just a really nice benefit of going to school here. I hope they have that benefit for all the years to come.
Thank you for being there for me and making me feel safe.
Discover your skills and lead.
All kids can learn and be successful in the right environment. Enroll in a school that fosters academic excellence.